Tuesday 5 March 2013

Postdoc position through Doctoral Prize award

Recently I've been thinking a lot about my career beyond my PhD, for which the funding runs out at the end of this year. Having experienced energy disaggregation from both sides of the academia/industry fence, I've learned a lot about both getting algorithms to scale to huge amounts of data and presenting my work at international venues. However, as I entered the final year of my PhD, I was enjoying my PhD so much that I decided to apply for the Doctoral Prize award; a grant for a one year postdoc position designed specifically to increase the impact of technology developed during a PhD.

Today I'm excited to announce that my application has been accepted, and assuming that all goes to plan while writing up my thesis, I'll start work as a postdoc in the new year. I'm hoping this position will give me the opportunity to put my PhD work into the hands of real users and show that energy disaggregation really can provide actionable suggestions and lead to real energy savings. I'm excited about the new challenges this will bring and the insight it will provide to this growing community.

Of course this also means that I'll continue to blog about energy disaggregation for at least another year.


  1. Congratulations!
    It means we will get an year more of updates here!

  2. Congratulations, that's great news! Three years goes by in a flash, doesn't it?!

  3. Many thanks guys. And yes Jack, three years really does fly when you're having fun!


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