Wednesday 29 January 2014

NILM 2014: Second International Workshop on Non-intrusive Load Monitoring

The Second International Workshop on Non-intrusive Load Monitoring is being organised by Mario Bergés and Zico Kolter in partnership with Pecan Street. The workshop is a follow up to the 2012 NILM Workshop held in Pittsburgh, which brought academics and vendors interested in energy disaggregation together for the first time. Full information about the upcoming workshop can be found at

Some important information:

  • When: 3 June 2014
  • Where: Austin, TX, USA
  • Objective: To review the main types of approaches that have been explored to date to solve the problem of electricity disaggregation, and to then discuss possible paths forward knowing what has been tried and what has yet to be experimented.
The workshop will feature talks from invited speakers, paper presentations and a poster session. Attendees are be able to register for the workshop at Authors will also be able to submit papers via the same website, for which submission system is live and will close on 28 March 2014. The workshop will also be co-located with a two day workshop hosted by Pecan Street on 4-5 June.