Thursday 30 July 2020

NILM 2020 to be held online in November

The NILM 2020 Workshop will be a one day online conference held during the week commencing 16 November 2020. The workshop will be jointly organised by the International and European NILM Workshop teams, and will be free to attend. For the first time, the event will appear as a workshop of the larger ACM BuildSys conference, and accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library. The paper submission deadline is 21 August, although abstracts should be registered by 14 August. Further details (including the conference date, registration and paper submission) will appear on the NILM 2020 Workshop website as they are finalised.

For context, this workshop represents the culmination of the 5th International NILM Workshop and the 7th European Workshop, as shown by the table below.

I look forward to seeing you online!