Monday 6 October 2014

List of NILM conferences

This post aims to collect a number of NILM-specific workshops and conferences which have taken place over the past few years. As always, please feel free to suggest any I might have missed, and I'll do my best to keep this post updated.

NILM 2012

The first international workshop on non-intrusive load monitoring was organised by Mario Bergés and Zico Kolter, and took place on 7 May 2012 at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. The workshop attracted roughly 50 attendees from academia, industry, government and not for profits. The workshop agenda followed a traditional academic style, in which accepted 2 page extended abstracts were presented across 4 sessions. The workshop also included a poster session and a session of presentations from 3 NILM companies.


The Electrical Power Research Institute hosted a workshop on non-intrusive load monitoring on 12-13 November 2014 in Palo Alto, CA, USA. The workshop was organised by Chris Holmes, Cody Taylor, Krish Gomatom and Ashley Kelley-Cox, and consisted of a mixture of presentations and discussion sessions on high-level topics such as standardisation and use cases. The event brought together roughly 40 attendees from mostly utilities and NILM companies, although the workshop was also attended by a few academics. Since the workshop consisted of invited talks and discussions sessions, there were no formal proceedings.

NILM 2014

The second international workshop on non-intrusive load monitoring was again organised by Mario Bergés and Zico Kolter, and took place on 3 June 2014 at the University of Texas, Austin, USA. The workshop attracted roughly 100 attendees with an interest in NILM from a wide range of sectors. Proceedings of the workshop consisted of peer reviewed 4 page papers, which were presented as either 15 minute talks or 1 minute lightning talks. The agenda followed a less dense format than that of NILM 2012, with more time allocated to coffee breaks and networking. In addition to the poster session, the workshop also included a keynote talk from Shankar Sastry and a demo of NILMTK by Jack Kelly. The workshop was co-located with the International WikiEnergy Data Conference, which was held on 4 June.

EU NILM 2014

The first European NILM workshop was organised by Oliver Parson, Peter Davies and Jack Kelly, and took place on 3 September 2014 at Imperial College London, UK. The workshop brought together roughly 20 academics and industry experts for a combination of high level talks and discussion sessions, for which the slides are available online. The meet up concluded that there is sufficient demand for a regular European NILM venue, the next of which will likely take place in March 2015 in London. The meet up was followed by a NILMTK masterclass given by Jack Kelly.

EU NILM 2015

The second European NILM workshop was also organised by Oliver ParsonPeter Davies and Jack Kelly, and took place on 8 July 2015 at Imperial College London, UK. The workshop was attended by about 65 people from academia and a range of disaggregation companies, and was also streamed live online. Videos of all talks are available as a playlist on YouTube.


The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) hosted a NILM workshop on 13 November 2015 in Orlando, FL, and was attended by disaggregation vendors, utilities, universities, a U.S. Department of Energy National Lab and research organisation. The workshop covered topics such as current EPRI research, use cases, utility and consultant experiences with NILM and product labelling (see full slide deck). One of the key outcomes of workshop was the recognition of gaps related to NILM metrics and how to address them as an industry through collaborative efforts.

NILM 2016

The third international workshop on non-intrusive load monitoring was organised by Stephen Makonin, and will take place on 14-15 May 2016 at the Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. Proceedings of the workshop consisted of peer reviewed 4 page papers, which were presented as either 15 minute talks or 1 minute lightning talks. Keynote talks will be given by Lyn Bartram and George Hart.