Monday 22 November 2010

In-depth literature search

Following my library skills session this morning, I conducted a more thorough search of the my field of NIALM.

I searched the following databases:
  • Web of Science
  • Inspec
  • Compendex
  • LNCS
For the following search terms:
  • Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (relevant results)
  • NIALM (few, very relevant results)
  • NILM (non-domestic applications of load monitoring)
  • NALM (many irrelevant results)
Among the masses of papers I collected, the following are the most interesting:
  • Ruzzelli AG, Nicolas C, Schoofs A, O’Hare GMP. Real-Time Recognition and Profiling of Appliances through a Single Electricity Sensor. In: Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 2010 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on.; 2010:1-9.
  • Murata H, Onoda T. Applying Kernel Based Subspace Classification to a Non-intrusive Monitoring for Household Electric Appliances. In: Dorffner G, Bischof H, Hornik K, eds. Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2001.Vol 2130. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2001:692-698. Available at:
  • Benyoucef D, Bier T, Klein P. Planning of energy production and management of energy resources with Smart Meters. In: Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE), 2010 International Conference on.; 2010:170-173.
  • Pihala H. Non-intrusive appliance load monitoring system based on a modern kWh-meter. Vtt Publications 365. 1998;(May).
I'm planning to start reading through each of these four tomorrow morning, in order of relevance.


  1. Have you also tried IEEExplore and ACM digital library in terms of databases?

  2. I have, they were my first port of call! It took the library people to remind me of these other databases before I used them though.


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