Wednesday, 13 April 2016

NILM 2016 – Workshop Program

Cross posted from Stephen Makonin's blog:

The program for NILM 2016 has now been posted at The TPC has accepted 13 papers for presentation and will also feature 12 additional papers presented as posters. George W. Hart (credited as being the founder of NILM research) and Lyn Bartram (world renowned eco-visualization researcher) will be our keynote speakers.

The 3rd International Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) will be held in Vancouver, Canada from May 14 to 15, 2016. This year’s venue will be the beautiful mountaintop campus of Simon Fraser University (SFU) which is located in the neighbouring municipality of Burnaby.

The mission of this workshop is to create a forum that can unite all the researchers, practitioners, and students that are working on the topic of energy disaggregation. The main objective of this event is to review the main types of approaches that have been explored to date to solve the problem of electricity disaggregation, and to then discuss possible paths forward knowing what has been tried and what has yet to be experimented. We also intend to have a group discussion about possible solutions to the growing need for standardized datasets and performance metrics that can allow the field to move forward, as well as possible areas of collaboration among different research groups.

Hope to see you there!

Stephen Makonin, Workshop General Chair, NILM 2016

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