Thursday 2 June 2016

PNNL NILM vendor survey

Below is a message to NILM vendors I'm sharing on behalf of PNNL:

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) continues its work to develop Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) test protocols.  Activities to date have focused on the development of a technical working group (NILM vendors, users/potential users, and other stake holders), research and decisions on candidate performance metrics, and the development of performance protocols.  This last activity we are seeking input from the larger NILM vendor community.

Below is a short feedback form to assist in directing the protocol development.  We would appreciate your responses as soon as possible. Please send responses by this email to  We appreciate your time and participation.

NILM Performance Metrics Project:  Status and Feedback Request

Feedback Goal:  To better understand preferences and constraints of proposed metric implementation approaches.  Please consider the two approaches to evaluating NILM performance listed below, and then provide your feedback to the following questions.

Approach 1: Data Driven – NILM devices use a diverse set of previously collected interval data to test device performance.

Approach 2:  Laboratory Testing – NILM devices are connected to actual appliances and/or load simulation systems to test performance.

  1. Is your NILM platform/product capable of accepting 1-second to 1-minute interval data as inputs for disaggregation?
  2. At what sampling interval is your NILM platform/product designed to take measurements or data inputs, e.g., 1 minute, 5 minute, hourly, other?
  3. What specific inputs are necessary for your NILM platform or product, e.g., interval power data, energy data, voltage, current, reactive power, other?
  4. What appliances or end-uses does your NILM product target?
  5. What are the target use cases for your NILM product?
  6. Other comments or questions you’d like to share regarding the development of the Data Driven or Laboratory Testing protocols?

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