Wednesday 16 December 2015

REFIT Electrical Load Measurements dataset released

The REFIT Electrical Load Measurements dataset is an output of the REFIT: Personalised Retrofit Decision Support Tools for UK Homes using Smart Home Technology project, which is a consortium of three universities - Loughborough, Strathclyde and East Anglia. The whole team contributed to the data acquisition and dataset design. The data set contains active power measurements of the aggregate and 9 individual appliances from 20 homes in the Loughborough area of the UK, at a resolution of 1 sample every 8 seconds. This makes the REFIT the largest UK data set (in number of houses) which contains appliance level data at a sample rate great than once per minute. In addition, aggregate gas consumption data was also recorded at 30 minute intervals, although no sub-metered data was also collected. It should be noted that the data has been compressed by removing samples for which the power demand had not changed since the last reading. Further details can be found in a presentation from the EEDAL 2015 conference, a detailed technical report, and the dataset readme file.

I've updated my list of Public Data Sets to include the REFIT data set, and I'm also hoping that a NILMTK converter will follow shortly!

Edit 04.01.2016: The REFIT is not the only UK dataset to contain appliance level data at a sample rate greater than 1 minute as initially claimed! The UK-DALE data set also meets that criteria.


  1. "This makes the REFIT the only UK data set which contains appliance level data at a sample rate great than once per minute."

    Don't forget UK-DALE :). It has appliance-level data recorded at one sample every six seconds across five homes in the UK.

    1. Whoops! Sorry, I have no idea how I managed to make that claim... I've updated the post accordingly :)

  2. Lina Stankovic: "The REFIT Electrical Load Measurements dataset was recently released as part of the Smart Home and Energy Demand Reduction project, by David Murray and Lina Stankovic at the University of Strathclyde."
    More accurately, the REFIT Electrical Load Measurements dataset is an output of the REFIT: Personalised Retrofit Decision Support Tools for UK Homes using Smart Home Technology project, which is a consortium of three universities - Loughborough, Strathclyde and East Anglia. The whole team contributed to the data acquisition and dataset design.


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