Monday, 9 November 2015

BuildSys 2015: My Disaggregation is Better Than Yours

Akshay presenting his paper on LocED

Last week I had the pleaure of chairing a session named 'My disaggregation is better than yours', at the 2015 BuildSys conference in Seoul. The session featured presentations of the following three papers:
  • Multi-User Energy Consumption Monitoring and Anomaly Detection with Partial Context Information. Pandarasamy Arjunan (IIIT-Delhi), Harshad D Khadilkar (IBM Research), Tanuja Ganu (IBM Research), Zainul M Charbiwala (IBM Research), Amarjeet Singh (IIIT-Delhi), Pushpendra Singh (IIIT-Delhi)
  • LocED: Location-aware Energy Disaggregation Framework. S.N. Akshay Uttama Nambi (TUDelft), Antonio Reyes Lua (TUDelft), R. Venkatesha Prasad (TUDelft)
  • Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation. Jack Kelly (Imperial College London), William Knottenbelt (Imperial College London) [joint best presentation]
Even outside this session, there were a few other papers relevant to NILM, including the following papers:
To the best of my knowlege, this is the first conference with published proceedings with such a large amount of work related energy disaggregation. I'm glad that NILM is starting to find a common home at such a great venue, and I'm already looking forward to BuildSys 2016 at Stanford!

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