Friday, 5 September 2014

Post NILM 2014 @ London

On Wednesday 3 September we held the NILM 2014 @ London meet up at Imperial College London. The aim of the meet up was to provide a local forum for European energy disaggregation researchers to get to know each other and discuss their work. The agenda included introductions of the attendees, an overview of NILM events to date, a presentation of energy disaggregation at DNO level, an overview of the NILMTK project, as well as many discussion around data collection and evaluation. The meet up was attended by representatives from AlertMe, British Gas, Green RunningGreeniant, Navetas, ONZO and Wattgo, as well as academics from Imperial College London, University of Klagenfurt and University of Southampton. Slides from the presentations are now online via the meet up website, while photos from the day are available via Jack Kelly's flickr album.

It became clear from the meet up that there's real enthusiasm for a regular NILM event hosted in Europe. Currently, we're planning to host the next event in London around February-March 2015, so please get in touch if you'd like to attend.

Special thanks to Peter Davies of Green Running for sponsoring the event and Jack Kelly of Imperial College London for the local organisation.