Thursday 12 June 2014

New data sets released by WikiEnergy and University of California, Berkley

I've recently come across two new data sets which have been released in the past month:

WikiEnergy data

Pecan Street Inc have released a large amount of domestic electricity data via the WikiEnergy project. The data set currently contains data from 200 homes, in which both the household aggregate power demand and individual appliance power demands are monitored at 1 minute intervals. The data set currently contains 4 months of data from January-April 2014, although more data is likely to be released soon. The data is freely available to University members of the WikiEnergy community, and full details for database access can be found on the WikiEnergy Knowledge Base after registering.

BERDS - BERkeley EneRgy Disaggregation Data Set

The University of California, Berkley, have released electricity data collected from the Cory Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. The data set contains data collected from 4 categories of sub-metered loads: lighting, HVAC, receptacle (sockets) and other, for which many feeds are available for each load category. The data set contains measurements of active, reactive and apparent power which were collected at 20 second intervals. The data is available for free via Mehdi Maasoumy's website, and a paper briefly describing the data set appeared at the Big Learning workshop at NIPS 2013.

I've updated my blog post of publicly available data sets to include both of these releases.

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