Monday 23 June 2014

Hart, G.W., Prototype Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitor, 1985

Since Hart founded the field of energy disaggregation back in the '80s, most papers since have cited his 1992 summary article published in the Proceedings of the IEEE. However, I've seen many references to other papers but have rarely managed to get my hands on the full text. For this reason, I was particularly excited when the following technical report surfaced recently:

Hart, G.W., Prototype Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitor, MIT Energy Laboratory Technical Report, and Electric Power Research Institute Technical Report, September 1985

Apparently, Hart had received a few requests for older papers over the years, which so far he'd been unable to locate. However, he recently came across a copy of the above paper in the online catalog of a library in Singapore. Mario Bergés then requested the paper via an inter-library loan, Suman Giri scanned the paper copy and Simon Leigh (Jack Kelly's MSc student) applied some post-processing to provide you with the beautiful copy you see today. Quite a good community effort in my opinion!

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